The project Women in The Community benefits from 155 020 € grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co- financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 13 900 €.
If you want to learn more about the programs and projects financed by Norway grants in Slovakia, you can visit
The Aim of the Project
The project plans to achieve a social movement – to start the discussion not only in the professional field (at round tables) but also with young people as part of education – about how we can live without prejudice, equally, point out stereotypes and prejudice.
Mother Centers in The Project
Mother centers are one of the key organizations through which civil society has been (and continues to be) built in communities. They are in almost every town, their leaders remain active later on – they found new specialized associations (e.g. to help women in need), build socially responsible companies, or are active at different levels of politics. Their primary philosophy is based on the principles of anti-discrimination and equality. However, their paths to self-assertion were not easy – because they had to fight prejudice and discrimination.
The Project Consists of Multiple Overlapping Parts
- A qualitative and quantitative (questionnaire) survey of the legitimisation of gender equality strategies.
- A series of workshops in 25 primary and secondary schools (with an emphasis on schools near excluded locations), including the elaboration of an interactive methodology, aimed at 15-20-year-olds with an emphasis on gender equality / vs. inequality, sensitizing the attitude towards women and eliminating all forms of violence in interpersonal relationships.
- A series of round tables for local leaders from relevant NGOs, politics and socially responsible companies, as well as experts in the fields of sociology and economics.
- The Invisible Women Campaign implemented in the form of a series of blogs, infographics, viral videos on social media, which will sensitize public opinion towards the perception of real discrimination in society and the possibilities of change.
Basic Documents
The project refers to the basic documents which frame the work of women — even in Slovak society. We’re based mainly on: CEDAW – the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which affects many areas of the Slovak legislative system (despite the still low rate of sensitization of the society it opens up). Furthermore, in the project, we also work with the so-called Anti-discrimination Act 365/2004 Coll. and its implementation framework. It is apparent that our project is based on systems which declare human rights. These conventions and legal frameworks naturally delimit the project, setting the direction in its individual activities.
Norway grants represent Norway’s contribution to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Through Norway grants, Norway contributes to reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening the mutual relations with beneficiary states in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics.
Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Along with other donors, Norway gradually provided 3,3 billion euros between 1994 and 2014 through grant schemes.
Norway grants are funded exclusively by Norway and are available in countries which joined the EU after 2003. For the period 2014-2021, Norway grants amount to 1.25 billion euros. The priorities of this period are:
- Innovation, research, education and competitiveness
- Social inclusion, youth employment and poverty eradication
- Environment, energy, climate change and low-carbon economy
- Culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights
- Justice and Home Affairs
All projects are co-financed by the state budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%.
Projektová zmluva
Zmluvu v pdf formáte zobrazíte kliknutím na obrázok:
Dodatok č. 1/2023 k Projektovej zmluve č. 1099/2021 na realizáciu projektu v rámci programu „Domáce a rodovo podmienené násilie“ spolufinancovaného z Nórskeho finančného mechanizmu 2014 – 2021 a štátneho rozpočtu Slovenskej republiky nájdete na tomto linku:
Articles to the project
The women who changed their communities… long before us. Do you know Therese Brunsvik?
We did not invent what we are doing in the mother centers – there were women before us, in every town, in every village, who changed them. They slowly and...
The women who changed their communities… long before us. Do you know Magdalena?
We did not invent what we are doing in the mother centers – there were women before us, in every town, in every village, who changed them. They slowly and...
What do girls say when talking about healthy relationships? You would be surprised.
Today we talked to young women about the position of women in communities – this time at the Business Academy – the Kereskedelmi Akadémia in Rimavska Sobota. In a safe...
Women have equal opportunities. Or maybe not.
We had to get up, divide into groups and try to argue. In some schools, the children are simply more temperamental… in fact, we think that where they're not just...
Gymnasium in Rožňava is full of thinking young people
They didn't just want to watch and listen to what we brought them. They were eagerly looking for their own parallels, important women in their region and asking about social...
We broke history down into atoms
On the 17th of April, 2023, we were at a gymnasium, where else but Školská, in Dubnica nad Váhom. And it was interesting. The gymnasts wanted to know how women...
Since when could women in Revúca study at a gymnasium?
Branislav Zloch Elementary School in Revúca has these beautiful art pieces in the corridors. And with its pupils, we looked for interesting female personalities – and it wasn't easy at...
We even went beyond the borders in Plešivec
Having the teachers stay in the classroom and join in… is so sensational! That was the case in Plešivec, where we went on November 16th, 2022. Not only did we...
When students say that their teachers are their role models… that warms our hearts
It's interesting how quickly we forget what people before us went through and learned from bad stories. But when they're interesting, when we realize that they weren't different from us...
The Zlatá Elementary School is really sweet
The Zlatá Elementary School (located on Zlatá street in Rožňava) is a school attended by incredibly curious children. They asked about everything we brought: they themselves looked for information about...
In Soľ, we looked for understanding on social media
It is not at all easy to find a code for communicating with young people about the position of women in society. At an elementary school in Soľ (a village...
The story of MC Nezábudka
We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don't see what they've come up with until a few years later when...
Where children learn to read. And much more.
We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don't see what they've come up with until a few years later when...
Nevedko mother center opened for mothers with disadvantaged children
We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don't see what they've come up with until a few years later when...
Klokanček mother center in Nitra is basically a theater laboratory
We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don't see what they've come up with until a few years later when...
Coming to Medulienka in Levice is like coming home
We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don't see what they've come up with until a few years later when...
The story of RC Dlháčik
We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don't see what they've come up with until a few years later when...
The Women Who Changed Their Communities Conference
We've been collecting materials for almost two years. We talked to you – to women who change their communities and to those who did it before you. We thought about,...
When women meet in Žilina and Bratislava, more good things always happen
Mother centers are sometimes needlessly modest. They don't talk about themselves, how much they change the lives of the communities around them, how much they do that other organizations in...
When women meet anywhere, more good things always happen
Mother centers are sometimes needlessly modest. They don't talk about themselves, how much they change the lives of the communities around them, how much they do that other organizations in...
We wanted children to come to a nice environment
“... we don't speak Slovak at home. Only Hungarian. And Romany,” Rózka said. She is holding a small boy with a big pacifier in her arms, three other children are...
These young girls will be leaders one day
We're in schools and we're trying to tell young people about how it's possible to change communities, showing them bits of history. We're trying to see whether they understand that...
Every primary school is different
We're in schools and we're trying to tell young people about how it's possible to change communities, showing them bits of history. We're trying to see whether they understand that...
What interests young women who can grow up to be leaders in communities?
What interests young women who can grow up to be leaders in communities? Perfect craftswomen? Moms who will push for their children to have an even better life than they...
It was a real experience at the elementary school in Sirk!
We're in schools and we're trying to tell young people about how it's possible to change communities, showing them bits of history. We're trying to see whether they understand that...