The story of MC Nezábudka

The story of MC Nezábudka

9. októbra 2023 Off Od ÚMC

We were looking for women who changed their communities. In small ways. In everyday things. They often don’t see what they’ve come up with until a few years later when children tell them how superduper they felt in the mother centers. Women, how their world changed, how they received incentives.

Just try to imagine they weren’t here.

That all those good things would disappear.


So we at least tried to capture moments with Lujza Garajová-Schrameková and Daša Šimeková.

The mother center Nezábudka in Žilina? Three words: the Montessori method, folklore and humanity. The leader Katka Jarinová and her team managed to build – and it’s not easy at all, now that they reside on commercial premises – an oasis of acceptance. Everyone feels welcome in the center, no matter what they come with, everyone feels that this is a place where they can always learn something new.

So come have a look with us.

These articles are being implemented as part of the “Women in The Community – from charity to equal work in communities” project, which is supported by the Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Programme financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

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