These young girls will be leaders one day

These young girls will be leaders one day

19. januára 2023 Off Od ÚMC

We’re in schools and we’re trying to tell young people about how it’s possible to change communities, showing them bits of history. We’re trying to see whether they understand that when they grow up, they’ll be able to accomplish great things – just look at how many important and wise people have come from poor backgrounds! And each of those schools is different – not just in age. But also by how the adults there treat the children.

And at Stredná odborná škola in Dobšiná, we met girls who – along with their teachers – talk about poverty. About stereotypes, about the division of the male and female world. And it’s not easy to listen to. But what’s positive is that they are very sensitive to inequalities, that they understand the mechanisms of violence between close people and the mechanisms of defense against it. And that the environment they’re in – the school – is also willing to listen.

These workshops for schools were implemented as part of the “Women in The Community – from charity to equal work in communities” project, which is supported by the Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Programme financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

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